Monday, October 12, 2009

3M Nexcare Acne Patch

3M Nexcare Acne Patch is supposed to be a water-based material that you paste over pimple/ acne and it will absorb the oil secretion and pus.

3 of the 5 bitches have tried this before and very mixed reviews.

Whiney - No rants, no raves. It doesn't fo any good for pimples, neither did it aggravate it.

Gentle - Loves this. Says it does good and subsides her pimples fast. She says it only works for pimples with pus or after you squeeze it.

Shitty - Is in a terrible state because of this. From a small pimple, to the monster below:

Shitty is so upset now. She went to see a doctor and have to go back for a review. If it doesn't subside, she will have to go to the hospital. Poor Shitty.... use this product with caution and may she recover soon.

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